RMG Sector

  • Ladovie Business Co., Ltd

Ladovie Business Co., Ltd


Company Type : Garments Manufacturer
Company Address : 119 Lý Chính Thắng, Phường 7, Quận 3, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
Company Mail Address : info@ladovie.com
Contact Person Name : Minh Nhat
Contact Person Mobile Number : 84905372347
Contact Person Whatsapp or WeChat Number : 84905372347
Company Age : 8 years
Number Of Employees : 90 to 99
Annual Revenue (USD) : US$500,001 to US$1,000,000
Accepting Payment Method : Cash, TT , LC , Others
Main Selling Products : garment accessories
Quality control : Raw-material traceability identification, Finished product inspection, QA/QC inspectors
Service : Minor customization, Design-based customizatio, Sample-based customization, Full customization


Ladovie Vietnam was established in 2010, as the 10th Zipper & Accessories Manufacturer in Vietnam. With the assistance of its valued customers, business partners and employees. We have been expanding our business and we believe that we are able to contribute further to the development to Garment, Shoes, and Luggage Industries in Vietnam and worldwide.

We still need to make improvements to re-align our organization and to reinforce our structure in order to improve customer’s satisfaction. We will continue to upgrade our quality and improve our service, so we would like to ask for your continued support towards Ladovie Vietnam and Ladovie’s Products.






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